The Adventure Zone
Justin, Travis and Griffin McElroy from My Brother, My Brother and Me have recruited their dad Clint for a campaign of high adventure. Join the McElroys every Thursday as they find their fortune and slay an unconscionable number of ... you know, kobolds or whatever in ... The Adventure Zone.
The Adventure Zone is broken up into a series of Arcs, some of which are longer, and some of which are shorter and experimental. We also sometimes play one-shot games at our live shows. The first season of The Adventure Zone was the Balance Arc, and we are currently in the middle of season 8, which features the Abnimals arc.
Show Arcs:
- Balance (Season 1)
- Commitment (Experimental)
- Dust Season 1 (Experimental)
- Amnesty (Season 2)
- Graduation (Season 3)
- Ethersea (Season 4)
- Dust Season 2 (Mini-arc)
- Steeplechase (Season 5)
- Outre Space (Season 6)
- Vs. Dracula (Season 7)
- Abnimals (Season 8)
- Elementary (MaxFun Donor Bonus Content)
- Fur (MaxFun Donor Bonus Content)
- Hootenanny (Live one-shot)
- Inheritance (Live one-shot) (Dadlands game)
- Just-us (Live one-shot)
- Knights (MaxFun Donor Bonus Content)
Map of Refuge (Balance, Eleventh Hour)
The Bacon Map (Amnesty, Episode 30)
Imp Hospital Map (Graduation, Episode 8)
HOG Maps (Graduation, Episode 31)
Ethersea Prologue Maps (Ethersea)
Ustaben Map (Steeplechase)
Yon Cuck Skull Map (Vs. Dracula, Episode 20)
Monster of the Week by Evil Hat:
Urban Shadows designed by Magpie Games:
The Quiet Year designed by Avery Alder:
Blades in the Dark by by Evil Hat:
The Fight Before Christmas designed by Paul Ettin:
Oh, Dang! Bigfoot Stole My Car With My Friend’s Birthday Present Inside designed by Paul Ettin:
The Dadlands designed by The McElroys, game mechanics review and consult by Jenn Ellis and Keith Baker:
SuperNormal by Ursidice:
Lasers and Feelings designed by John Harper:
- Hootenanny
- 2tenanny (MaxFunDrive 2020 Bonus Content)
- Lords of Crunch (MaxFunDrive 2020 Bonus Content)
Honey Heist designed by Grant Howitt:
- Fur (MaxFunDrive 2019)
Four Sherlock Holmes and a Vampire (Who Is Also One of the Aforementioned Sherlock Holmes) designed by Andrew J. Young:
- Elementary (MaxFunDrive 2018)
- Elementary Ep. 2 with Special Guest Patrick Rothfuss (MaxFunDrive 2019)
Muppet Babies RPG designed by Richard Kreutz-Landry:
- Charlieverse (MaxFunDrive 2021)
The Beast by Grant Howitt and Chris Taylor:
- Spirit Breakers (Halloween 2022 one-shot)
Email: adventurezonecast@gmail.com