McElroy Transcript Project Update
You may have noticed the announcement during this year’s MaxFunDrive that we would soon begin a project to provide transcripts for both new episodes and the backlog of our shows.
We’re pleased to tell you that this project is officially underway, and you will start to see links to the transcripts in episode posts both here on TheMcElroy.Family and on You can also access all of the finished transcripts directly here. We have a team of transcriptionists working together to process the backlog as efficiently as possible. That said, this is no small project, and it will take us a while to complete it, so if you notice gaps in the transcript backlog for a certain show, we ask for your patience. In terms of new episodes, our goal is to have them transcribed within a week of the episode’s release.
We’d like to extend our most heartfelt thanks to you all. A project of this scope would not be possible without your enthusiastic support and guidance on how to better serve the communities that have grown around these shows. We are overwhelmingly thankful.